Which 10 sustainable tourism destinations or practices are gaining attention?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, but I can provide information based on reliable sources. Here are ten sustainable tourism destinations or practices that are gaining attention:

1. Costa Rica – Known for its eco-tourism and commitment to sustainability, Costa Rica has set a goal to be carbon neutral by 2021.

2. Iceland – With its geothermal energy, eco-friendly hotels and government policies promoting sustainability, Iceland is becoming an increasingly popular destination for sustainable tourism.

3. Bhutan – This small Himalayan country measures its economic growth in Gross National Happiness rather than Gross Domestic Product. It is committed to preserving its unique culture and natural beauty through sustainable tourism.

4. Norway – With its breathtaking fjords, outdoor adventures, and commitment to eco-friendly travel, Norway is a leader in sustainable tourism practices.

5. New Zealand – Often hailed as one of the most beautiful countries on earth, New Zealand has made significant strides towards sustainability in the tourism industry.

6. Japan – Japan is implementing new sustainability practices such as the “Green Tourism Certification System” to promote eco-tourism.

7. Tanzania – Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most breathtaking scenery and wildlife, and it has been committed to sustainable tourism for many years.

8. Hawaii – Hawaii has been making efforts to promote eco-tourism and sustainable practices while preserving its unique culture, making it an attractive destination for sustainable tourism.

9. Slovenia – This beautiful country in Eastern Europe has made significant strides towards sustainability, winning the European Commission’s 2015 European Green Capital Award.

10. Sustainable tourism practices such as responsible wildlife viewing, “leave-no-trace” hiking and camping, and reducing plastic waste are gaining widespread attention.