Dr Paul Daidone: Why You Should Always Be Taking Care Of Your Dental Health

Dental health is one of the most important parts of your overall health and should be a priority. It’s no secret that many problems can be caused by a weak or damaged smile. Bad breath, receding gum lines, and even tooth decay can be factors in some people’s decision to avoid going to the dentist as an option.

With this in mind, if you have dental issues then it’s no surprise that you are looking at ways to improve your teeth and gums. Here are just some ways you can help protect your oral health according to Dr Paul Daidone.

It’s Important To Keep Your Mouth Healthy, Even If You Don’t Have Teeth

You might have a mouth full of teeth, but that doesn’t mean you can no longer take care of your oral health. Sure, brushing and flossing are important, but so are other things like rinsing with warm water and using mouthwash.

And if you are like most people, these oral hygiene habits may not be as automatic as they need to be. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

Your Dental Health Is Affected By Diseases That Increase Risk Of Tooth Decay

First, diabetes is a disease that affects the way your body uses insulin to regulate blood sugar. When you have diabetes, your body doesn’t produce enough insulin or responds to its presence by producing too much insulin. This can lead to high blood glucose levels, which damage nerves in your eyes and make you more susceptible to gum disease and tooth decay.

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and is also a major cause of tooth decay. When plaque builds up on teeth, it becomes sticky and hardens into tartar, which acts like glue as it forms on your teeth. This acid-producing substance then dissolves the enamel and leaves gaps between teeth where bacteria can enter and cause cavities.

People Who Smoke Are More Likely To Have Cavities

Smoking is known to cause a lot of damage to your body, and one of the most common consequences of that damage is cavities. For, Dr Paul Daidone it is no coincidence that many studies are showing a link between smoking and tooth decay.

Smokers have an increased risk of getting cavities because they have more plaque on their teeth than non-smokers do, allowing bacteria to thrive in their mouths. These bacteria then stay there longer than they would if you didn’t smoke, giving them more time to drill holes in your teeth and make them susceptible to decay.

Children With Cavities Can Be Treated Before Permanent Tooth Loss Occurs

Lastly, dental care is essential to your health because it helps you keep your teeth healthy and strong. But did you know that if you have children and they develop cavities, they can be treated before permanent tooth loss occurs?

This is because children are still growing at a rapid rate and their teeth are still developing while they’re still young. So if you don’t take care of your kids’ teeth, they’ll start losing them when they’re little kids. So it’s important to remember that when it comes to your kids’ oral health, the earlier the better.