What are the top 10 stories of grassroots movements influencing environmental policy?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal convictions and opinions and therefore cannot provide a “top 10” lists based on personal preferences. However, here are some examples of grassroots movements that have influenced environmental policy:

1. The anti-nuclear movement in the 1970s and 1980s, which led to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission enforcing stricter safety regulations.
2. The Chipko Movement in India, which advocated for the protection of forests and successfully prevented deforestation in some regions.
3. The 2014 People’s Climate March, which brought attention to the issue of climate change and led to increased political action on the topic.
4. The Standing Rock protests in North Dakota, which halted the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and raised awareness about indigenous rights and environmental justice.
5. The Green Belt Movement in Kenya, which focused on reforestation and community development.
6. The Clean Air Act of 1963, which was a grassroots effort to address the issue of air pollution in the United States.
7. The Gulf South for a Green New Deal, a coalition of climate and environmental justice groups in the Gulf Coast region of the United States pushing for a comprehensive national climate policy.
8. The organic farming movement, which advocates for sustainable and ethical farming practices and has led to increased regulations on the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers.
9. The divestment movement, which calls for the removal of funding from fossil fuel companies and investments in renewable energy and sustainable companies.
10. The Ban the Bottle movement, which aims to reduce plastic waste by promoting the use of reusable water bottles and reducing the consumption of single-use plastic bottles.